An artist named Mjolnir made this drawing on top, the writing on the top means "our last hope" This drawing shows how miserable the German were. They are showing that the Germans were living a bad life as a result- economic depression unemployment and loss of the war and dignity with the signing the Versailles treaty Hitler offered a simple solution and blamed the Jews for all the problems.
In 1933, Adolf Hitler was named chancellor of Germany, and he created propaganda to give a bad image about the Jews. Hitler told everybody how bad the Jews were and totally brain washed them, especially the children. The hatred of the Jews quickly spread throughout Germany and cost a lot of problems to the Jews.
Jews have done some stuff in the past, and now Hitler does not except them. Hitler hated them and told the Germans and the public propaganda, making them to cause atrocities, which means to burn houses, killing and destroying. The night that happen there were a lot of shattered glass on the ground so that’s why it was called "Kristalnacht" translated to English is "Crystal Night" 100 people died, 275 synagogues burnt down, 75 busynesses destroyed, 1000 homes of Jews were destroyed and 30000 people were sent to concentration camp.
This event caused people to act terribly to others. There were broken friendship, betrayal and abolished factories and busyness. The first concentration camp was made on March 1, 1933 at Dachau. Jews were expelled from the civil service and universities. They were also imprisoned without going through trail because of Hitler’s laws. Everyone said that "they" were the reason why they lost the war, and the neglected "their" misery and only care about retrieving the fatherlands glory. The Jews tried to get away, but couldn't get anywhere because no one accepted them, the Canadians took a few hundred only. They were trapped in a land of torture and disgusting people.
The Jews now became isolated and different. Hitler wanted the children as he knew that they will soon rule the fatherland, they learned to dedicate everything to Hitler, and they were taught that Hitler is their "savior" They were taught that the Jews were low-class scum’s.
I was so surprised to how many people actually fell for what Hitler did. Even though there were a lot of people who supported Hitler there were others who didn't agree with him. But this people failed to show the world that Hitler was wrong, were they scared of Hitler? Or do they just don’t want to help the Jews, they failed to prevent propaganda. However 1 boy stood up, his name was Andre, a 12 year old boy. Andre was a kid who was requested to throw stones to Jewish shops. His family had the choice to throw the rocks or not. Andre said that they didn't do anything to him so what’s the point of destroying their property, but if they don't throw the rocks than they would have to leave Germany immediately, Andre decides to leave Germany and not hurt any Jews.