Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pursuit Of Success

    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Life presents difficulty that needs to be persevered by, the people who fight in life will have a successful one. William Wisseman, a young adult, found ways to have a successful life even though his learning disability caused problems. Muhammad Ali didn't just fight in the ring. After retiring at age 42, in 1984 Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. I, myself, don't have a perfect life I also have to fight with the challenges I am faced with. Life presents many challenges; it takes a strong person to persevere and fight for success.

William Wisseman, a teenager who has problems with his education has a learning disability called dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability that causes difficulty in reading, writing and thinking because the brain does not properly recognize and process certain symbols. This has been a problem for William since he was young. Because he has these problems he left school in the 4th grade and thought it would be better for him to join a special school for students who have learning disabilities. This school helped William with his education by specializing in what’s called language-processing disorder, which helps him memorize signs. William describes his life like solving a Rubik’s cube in an essay he wrote. I think the example he wrote about the cube and his life is really significant because it signifies his life. William states that, "solving the Rubik’s Cube has made me believe that sometimes you have to take a few steps back to move forward." He is saying that you have to step backwards to learn from the mistakes and learn from it to move on. William stepped back to start over his education in a special school in the 5th grade. After learning symbols of a word he knows the puzzles to words and now can read. This helped him learn the Rubik's cube easily, now he can do multiple skills on the cube that many people can not do, he can solve the 3x3x3, 4x4x4 and the founders specialty the 5x5x5 cube. He fights in life to be successful and I believe that he will become a very independent person in the future. William is a strong person who perseveres in life. Another great person who fought against his sickness with Parkinson disease is the great Muhammad Ali

Muhammad Ali, three time heavy weight boxing champion, fights his greatest opponent Parkinson’s disease to maintain his quality of life. When Ali was younger, living in Louisville, Kentucky, he had already started to boast that he would be the greatest champion and never let that confidence go. Ali went on to be one of the greatest boxing champions in the world, fighting 61 times in the ring and winning 56 of those battles; he fought hard for his success. At age 42 he retired. In 1984 he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease affects the way you move. It happens where there are certain problems with the nervous cells in the brain where it’s meant to send signals to your brain to move muscles but cant do it. Even though Ali has this disease it doesn't mean he is unable to do anything anymore. Ali knew he couldn't move his body parts properly, but that didn't stop him from lighting the torch for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic games. Ali says in his essay "If there was anything that would strike at the core of my confidence in myself, it would be this insidious disease. But my confidence and will to continue to live life as I choose won’t be compromised." He says that the disease won’t do any harm to him because he will get through it and live life the way he used to. Ali’s determination to live life as he always has despite the obstacles sets before him. I also have problems with lives challenges like Ali and William.

I struggle with life's challenges and need to fight for success. I don't struggle with disabilities or a disease, but I struggle with life in general. My parents are divorced, but that doesn't mean that I will never get to see one of them. They divorced when I was 8 years old and still I love both of them no matter what happens. I persevere through the divorce by not letting my hope down, and I visit my dad every year where he lives so that our relationship will stay strong. I also have problems in school, but not with a disability like Williams. In classes I tend to lose focus, get distracted and not listen to the teacher. This is a problem because than I do not understand what I have to do and it is a problem when I do tests. Even though I have these minor problems I still try to catch up with missing assignments, talk with teachers about anything I don’t understand, and redo my bad work to get a better grade. Like the example William showed about stepping back is what I am doing in my school subjects. I believe if I stay focused and on task than I will be a better student in the future. I also persevere hard in life to achieve all of my success’s that I have to face through

Life provides challenges that need to be persevered by individuals to have a successful life. Failing and giving up are not options when you are dealing with life. To persevere in life you have to believe, to believe in your future success. 
“When the world says, “give up,” Hope whispers, “try it one more time.” - Author unknown

I think this picture shows that its not easy to move on for success, it will take a long way to achieve your goals. It also shows obstacles you face with when you are on this journey, in this picture it is the storm.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Toilet Sign Agrees As Well

           A picture of the different gender which are separated that means single sex education

Boys and girls should be learning in separate classes. They both learn differently as they grow in schools. According to a news article, it has been said to be true that girls learn better if they are in an all girls school. The President of the Girls Schools Association (GSA), Cynthia Hall believes that girls will learn more in math, chemistry and physics if they go to their own school or if they are in their own classes separate from boys. If research shows girls and boys have different learning styles and needs, then they should be educated separately to best address these differences.

Research has shown that girls who go to an all girls school perform better than a regular girl who go to a coed school. According to an article written on the 15th of November, 2004, students at girls-only independent schools are much more likely to study math, physics and chemistry than the national average. Hall believes strongly that girls should be in different classes. She is interested in what benefits girls. Data has shown that most of the girls in all girls schools study A-level courses. 5,000 girls from an all-girls school were surveyed, they found more than 90% more GSA students chose physics or chemistry at A-level. More than 80% took an A-level language such as Spanish, French or German, and 70% studied A-level maths.Research has shown that girls who go to an all girls school perform better than a regular girl who go to a coed school. Students who go to a coed school gets less distracted when they learn. If you send your daughters to an all-girls than than their grades This has been proved by GSA with evidence. 

Some people have said if you separate the students by sex than it minimize distraction, helps them learn better and allows boys and girls to explore subjects they might not have taken. If you get distracted in class you cant learn properly and if you cant learn properly you will not now what you are learning about. If boys and girls want to explore other classes they have not taken than that gives an advantage because than they will learn more knowledge from the other class.

People now have have good evidence that single-sex education can break down gender stereotypes, particularly when teachers appropriate professional development. Girls in single sex schools are more likely to take math, science and information technology. Boys in single gender class rooms will pursue interests in art, music, drama and foreign language. Both girls and boys have more freedom to explore their own interests and abilities than in a coed classroom, I think in the future if people send their kids to a coed school education will be better. I myself am a boy, I like being in a school with both sex and i understand why some people would want to stay together, but its for a better education. So i believe that boys and girls should learn in separate classes or coed schools

-This is a picture of kids both boys and girls but both gender facing a different way which shows different education for different genders.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Freedom Heroine

Aung San Suu Kyi is a Burmese citizen who has done a lot in her life to get freedom for the Burmese. Suu Kyi encourages us to consider helping people for freedom and peace. With freedom your country will be a better place. With peace your country will be a calmer and nicer place to live in.

"Peace as a goal is an ideal which will not be contestant by any government or nation, not even the most belligerent." Aung San Suu Kyi quotes. Suu Kyi really means this. She fought against the government for peace and freedom for the citizens of Burma. Aung San Suu Kyi led her own party and won. Suu Kyi fought for the rights no matter what the consequences were. In 1990 elections were held for the first time after 30 years. The National League of Democracy, led by Suu Kyi won the elections. But the military leader of Myanmar didn't want to step down so didn't recognize the results. But Suu Kyi still fought for her peoples rights. So in 1990 Suu Kyi was put under house arrest for a long 15 out of 21 years. Even though she knew that she couldn't see her family for a long time, she still fought for freedom. The only way she can be released of house arrest, she would have to leave Myanmar alone During this time period she couldn't meet her children or husband. This was a big sacrifice to make. While she was still under house arrest her husband, Michael Aris pasts away. But also during this time period she got a few prizes, such as the Nobel Peace prize and a several from different countries.

It is important to fight for freedom for a country because than you can speak out about a problem that is happening in that country and can make it better. If there were a problem in a country it is better to sit down and speak out so that people can get ideas from each other to make the place a better place to live in. If there were no freedom than people will be scared to speak out about something they believe in, and if you don't sit down and talk about it, than people will start war and fight against the government. Aung San Suu Kyi believes there should be freedom. She led her own party to bring back freedom from the military, because she wants Burmese to live in peace and in calm just like all the rest of the people in the world.

Without Aung San Suu Kyi and her beliefs of freedom Myanmar would still be under control of the military and make people starve for hunger of freedom. Aung San Suu Kyi has inspired me because she has made Myanmar a better place even though she was under house arrest. Suu Kyi has fought a lot for Myanmar and that makes be believe that your actions will be counted.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Everyone Deserves Freedom

Mohandas Gandhi quotes, "Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?" Peace is define as the state of being free or at liberty rather than inconfinement or under physical restraint . It means happiness and calm from all troubles. If given a chance to start a New World, I would hope the society will be built around peace.

Peace is an important characteristic because it helps people get along with each other with good relationships, even though you are a more higher ranking than others. Peace will allow people to speak out and stand up for their rights without having fear from any conquering government. By speaking out to the New World, the world will develop faster and better. Instead of listening to one voice/idea, you are able to listen to more and different ideas that are different in many ways. You will also gain or collect ideas from different races in the world. Collecting ideas from different perspective will allow growth in a society.

Additionally, it is important for a society to be built around peace because the society will feel free and happy because there will be no more problems. With peace there will be no more wars between society. If there is war, people will die, and the world will be destroyed.

Without peace the New World would slowly become a worst and be a not developed country because people will be scared to speak out and share ideas. As mentioned earlier, Mohandas Gandhi quoted, "Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?"

Sunday, January 23, 2011


An artist named Mjolnir made this drawing on top, the writing on the top means "our last hope" This drawing shows how miserable the German were. They are showing that the Germans were living a bad life as a result- economic depression unemployment and loss of the war and dignity with the signing the Versailles treaty Hitler offered a simple solution and blamed the Jews for all the problems.

In 1933, Adolf Hitler was named chancellor of Germany, and he created propaganda to give a bad image about the Jews. Hitler told everybody how bad the Jews were and totally brain washed them, especially the children. The hatred of the Jews quickly spread throughout Germany and cost a lot of problems to the Jews.

Jews have done some stuff in the past, and now Hitler does not except them. Hitler hated them and told the Germans and the public propaganda, making them to cause atrocities, which means to burn houses, killing and destroying. The night that happen there were a lot of shattered glass on the ground so that’s why it was called "Kristalnacht" translated to English is "Crystal Night" 100 people died, 275 synagogues burnt down, 75 busynesses destroyed, 1000 homes of Jews were destroyed and 30000 people were sent to concentration camp.

This event caused people to act terribly to others. There were broken friendship, betrayal and abolished factories and busyness. The first concentration camp was made on March 1, 1933 at Dachau. Jews were expelled from the civil service and universities. They were also imprisoned without going through trail because of Hitler’s laws. Everyone said that "they" were the reason why they lost the war, and the neglected "their" misery and only care about retrieving the fatherlands glory. The Jews tried to get away, but couldn't get anywhere because no one accepted them, the Canadians took a few hundred only. They were trapped in a land of torture and disgusting people.

The Jews now became isolated and different. Hitler wanted the children as he knew that they will soon rule the fatherland, they learned to dedicate everything to Hitler, and they were taught that Hitler is their "savior" They were taught that the Jews were low-class scum’s.

I was so surprised to how many people actually fell for what Hitler did. Even though there were a lot of people who supported Hitler there were others who didn't agree with him. But this people failed to show the world that Hitler was wrong, were they scared of Hitler? Or do they just don’t want to help the Jews, they failed to prevent propaganda. However 1 boy stood up, his name was Andre, a 12 year old boy. Andre was a kid who was requested to throw stones to Jewish shops. His family had the choice to throw the rocks or not. Andre said that they didn't do anything to him so what’s the point of destroying their property, but if they don't throw the rocks than they would have to leave Germany immediately, Andre decides to leave Germany and not hurt any Jews.

Monday, January 17, 2011

KK, The Key Letters To My Life

This photo above is my Domiknow, the colored parts are my dominant part of my body, this shows that my profile is KK

In my Humanities class, Mr. Whiting and Mrs. Narsiman visited our class to find out what type of learner we are and what letter profile we are. To find out what is your letter we need to know which is your dominant hand, eye, feet, and ear. We also need to know which side of your brain functions best, the left side is logic and the right side is gestalt. For me my dominant hand is right, my eye is left, my feet is left, my ear is right, so I am a gestalt learner (which means i am not the type of person who thinks logically), but with the specific profile of KK.

When I am in class I learn better through movement and focusing on the big picture. I agree with that statement, because in physical education class I learned better and faster, but if it is science or math I am a slow learner. I need to focus on the end result, so that I know what I am doing. If I am around friends or entertainment I will easily be distracted to what we are doing. I prefer not to do step-by-step instructions. I start to imagine the end result and do things that seem appropriate to me

I loose a lot of focus when I am around friends, so now I will move away from them and go somewhere I wouldn't get distracted. I have difficulty communicating, listening and remembering when I am under stressed. Activities that would help me are: reading out loud, thinking caps from brain gym, megaphones, toning the vowels, and cross lateral hand play like knitting, writing and drawing with the non dominant hand. Now i will know how to help myself in my learning’s.

I would like my teachers to know that I work best sitting in the front row on the left and side where I can use my left eye easily. I would like teachers to start teaching me with a little bit of moving. I am also a visual learner, so I want the teachers to start doing their stuff on the boards.

I think these tips will be really helpful for me, because I can concentrate more better in school.