Monday, May 3, 2010

The Giver lit c #1

Today we just finished our first literature circle on the book called "The Giver" by Lois Powell. this book is a really good book, it is really interesting, but it is really complicated. Today everyone returned in their response sheet, i am really happy because we will get a Mars Bars. After we finish our discussions we had to answer 1 question that we chose from Mrs. Narsiman. I chose question #1, Would you like your future to be decided by others? Why? why Not? i do not want my life to be controlled by others because i want to take care of myself with no help. I want to do stuff that i am allowed, i want freedom in my life instead of people telling us what to do. if i am being controlled by others than my life would be really really boring. This book is really good so far for me, i think you should read it also

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